

Adult (5 day)

CODE: gen-5-adult

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110.00 €
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Adult (5 day)
CODE: gen-5-adult
110.00 €
    • ItemId: 132374
    • Name: Adult (5 day)
    • ItemCode: gen-5-adult
    • EntityId: 19
    • ImageLocation: /images/132374/adult-5-day-enlarge.jpg
    • UpdatedOn: 2/3/2021 10:18:43 AM
    • SEOName: adult-1-day-
    • IsBundle: False
    • IsBundleStockAutonomus: True
    • AllowWholeSale: True
    • AllowRetailSale: True
    • AllowReview: True
    • AllowRating: True
    • AllowGiftWrap: False
    • MeasurementUnitId: 1
    • TaxClassId: 1
    • Stock: 1
    • ReservedStock: 0
    • AvailableStock: 1
    • AvailabilityTypeId: 1
    • ProductItemId: 132374
    • CreatedOn: 1/20/2021 9:42:28 AM
    • UpdatedOn: 1/20/2021 10:10:46 AM
    • SKU: gen-5-adult
    • ManufacturerProductCode: gen-5-adult
    • Name: Adult (5 day)
    • ItemStatusId: 0
    • IsDeleted: False
    • CreatedOn: 1/20/2021 9:42:28 AM
    • TemplateId: 3
    • ContentProviderId: 1
    • IsReturnable: False
    • Product type: 1
    • Is Part Of SeoName: True
    • SearchKeywords ItemId: 132374
    • Is Overweight Product: False
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